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(International Shinshidokan-Kan Organization 

Tournament Rules

Judging laws

Article -1. The five referees including the main referee with three supreme judges shall judge the competition. However, the final decision rests with the Head Judge (CENTRE REFEREE).

Article -2. Since the decision should be a majority decision, in case of FULL POINT, HALF POINT FOUL, JUDGEMENT, etc, the decision is valid if at least three out of the five referees support it. A decision not supported by the majority, that is less than three of the referees, or a decision supported by only the Main Referee is not valid. However, any of the five referees has the right to protest a decision and claim further discussions. In the discussions, a monitor (video image) might be used as a reference.

Article -3 the competitor’s weight shall be done with the attendance of referees before the competition.

Article -4. If there is a weight difference of more than 6 kg between the weight in the application and the weight checked before the competition, the competitor will be disqualified.

Article -5. In case a competitor cannot continue the bout due to the opponent’s effective attack, foul attack etc., the tournament medical officer may give a “doctor’s stop” after consulting with the five referees or the Head Judge.

a) In case of FOUL ATTACK, the competitor who made the foul attack loses the bout. The opponent will be the winner of the bout, but will not be able to continue on to the next bout.

b) In case of Effective attack, if the opponent is so seriously damaged by the attack that they will not be able to continue on to the next bout, they will lose the bout

Article 6. The Tournament schedule is to be strictly followed, but in case of an 
unavoidable situation, the Tournament Executive Committee Chairman may, after consultation with the Head Judge, decide to change the tournament schedule.


Article-7 Fighting Rules.

1. The time of the bouts is as provided later

2. Victory is awarded to the competitor who has scored one full point or the one who has won by decision (including – half point) or the one whose opponent has been charged with a foul, or whose opponent has been disqualified.

3. The competitors shall enter the competition mat from opposite sides and stand by two lines, green and white, in the center of the fighting area, taking posture, facing the front each other.
Looking at them from the front (official seats), the competitor for left hand side green – (the one whose entry number is smaller) and the competitor for right hand side – White – should be on the right side (the one whose entry number is larger).

4. The bout starts with the Main Referee’s command START and ends with the Main Referee’s command STOP.


The main Referee will call competitors for shacking hands after the shaking the hands the center referee will give the command (in beginning 1st position) to grip each other belts like Malakhra Malh wrestling the opponent competitors will grip the front belt sides with their left hand and their right hand will be grip the belt of back side, the competitor but they are not supposed to release their hands from each other belts till taking any point.


The center referee shall place his hands on the backs of both competitors, call out (Get ready. Get ready) and restart the bout by lightly tapping their backs and referee will give command to start the bout " When   ( the bout will be started )  both competitors will fight till taking half ,  full point or led down the competitor with their technique / power or somehow

(ANGRHI , JAHANTO, OR PUSH THE COMPETITOR OUT OF THE CIRCLE)  When a competitor has lifted his/her opponent clear of the ground and carries him/her forward out of the circle or boundary line , it shall not be a loss if his/her foot goes out first  When a bout is won by one of the throwing techniques etc, the competitor who executes the throw does not lose if his/her instep turns over and touches the ground before the opponent lands. If, however, the competitor steps out, backward shall be considered a loss.


If any competitor take the half or full point (The above Taking or grip their belts system is just for one (1) time (in beginning 1st position) of bout/competition).then the central referee will call both fighters

Continuously and quickly to stand on the center line with (2nd position) fighting stance position “Breathe Right” is prohibited and referee will start the fight for full body contact & sports karate with scoring points system.


Article -8 (SCORING POINT)

5. In case of any accident during the fight, the Main Referee may stop the bout.

6. When the Main Referee makes the sign of “Time”, the bout shall stop for a moment, and when he makes the sign of (continue) the bout shall start again.



(Full point victory)
The following cases will be judged (full point victory).


  1. In beginning (1st position) of bout when both fighters taking their belts, a fighter take other opponent fighter and he led-down him from up to down on mat (Tatami /Foam) he will get full point

  2.  A thrust (, kick , elbow strike or any other technique, excluding actions listed as fouls, which vigorously downs the opponent for three or more seconds.

c) If the opponent loses their will to fight for five or more seconds.

d) When having obtained two (half-points), which results in one (full-point /half-point).
The following cases will be judged as (half-point).

  1.  in beginning (1st position) of bout , when both fighters take/grip their belts, A fighter push to other opponent to the out of boundary line the he will get half point or take him out of boundary he will get half point.

b) When a thrust, kick, elbow strike, etc., excluding actions listed as fouls, downs the opponent for less than five seconds, but eventually stands up and resumes the fight.

c) If the opponent loses their will to fight but resumes the fight within three seconds.

d) If the opponent has received so much damage that they lose their balance, but does not fall down.

e) When a well-focused (downward punch) is followed immediately in good timing after either downing the opponent with foot sweeps or dodging the opponent’s (rolling kick).



Criteria of FOUL (Decision)

  1. In case of beginning of bout , during grip or taking their belts no punch, kick or can’t use any other individual fundamentals techniques, if he applied then it will be a foul may be center referee disqualify the same fighter.( the corner judges will give right decision to see boundary lines during taking or push the fighters.

  2. case there is neither FULL POINT  nor disqualification, the decision supported by

  3. Three or more out of the five referees is valid.
    b) In case of one of the competitors having a HALF POINT, the HALF POINT will be the first priority in a decision.

  4. In case of no HALF POINT, the amount of damage will be the priority in a decision.

  5.  In case of no damages, the amount of (effective techniques, but not enough for being a HALF POINT), will be the criteria for decision.

  6. In case of the same amount of effective techniques, but not enough for being a half point, the referees shall give priority to the competitor with more techniques (punch, kick, etc.

  7. In case of the same amount of techniques, the referees shall make their decision based on which competitor has the initiative (fighting spirit, moving forward, attacking first) in the bout. The more aggressive competitor shall win.

  8. For the final extension, the referees must make a decision based on the dominance of either fighter.

  9. If a (warning) has been given to either of the competitors, the referees shall follow the criteria stated in (“Judging Criteria”).



(Step outside competition area)


If either of the competitors has stepped outside the area line completely with both feet, it will be judged as STEP OUTSIDE COMPETITION/BOUNDARY
b) STEP OUTSIDE COMPETITION/ BOUNDARY will be concluded upon the Main Referee’s STOP command.


The following actions are considered as (Fouls)


  1. in beginning the bout , when fighter Grip/taking their belts, no punch, no knee, no kick or (no any fundamental technique use) if he will apply then he will loss his match.


Attacks with techniques using hands or elbows to the opponent’s face or neck. (Even a slight touch may result in FOULS. However, making faints to the face is allowed.)

b)  (Groin kicks).

c)  (Head thrusts).

d)  (Grabbing of the opponent’s karate dress or hand/foot).

e)  (Hooking). (To grapple or hook the opponent’s neck, head, shoulders, or body)

f)  (Pushing). (Pushing with open hands, closed hands, head or with the body is not allowed. It will be considered as even if you push with only one hand.)

g)  (Holding). (To hold the opponent with the hand or arm)

h) (Hugging and holding). (The person who puts their arms around the other one first will be given a foul.)
i) To attack while leaning the head or body against the opponent.


j) Attacks from the back.
k) To attack an opponent who is already down.



l) Throwing the opponent.

n) No attack after Step outside area/boundary line.

o) When a competitor avoids contact with the opponent for more than 10 seconds, and does not resume contact even after the (continue) command.

p) Any action that may be considered as bad attitudes towards the competition.

q) Attacks after the STOP command.

r) Any other actions that the referees may regard as fouls.


(No count)
When (one full point), (one half point), (fouls), etc. is not approved of, it will be judged as (No count).



a) A foul is charged with one warning of 1st foul.

b) When any action is considered as a deliberate or malicious foul, or when a severe damage has been caused by a foul, a 2nd (two warnings) may be given at the first time.

c)  (Fourth penalty) results in (disqualification).


The following cases result in Disqualification.


  1. In beginning the bout when both fighters grip or taking their belts , if any one use fundamental techniques to his opponent deliberately, the central referee have power to disqualify the same fighter who apply wrong techniques deliberately

  2.   Failing to obey the referee’s instructions during the bout.

c)  Being late for a bout.

d) Facing each other for more than one minute without engaging in fight. This shall be regarded as a lack of will to fight and both competitors shall be disqualified.

d) Any actions considered as sheer violence, seriously deliberate fouls or deliberate bad attitude towards the competition.

e) When the competitor vomits during the bout (after the START command, and before the decision.

f) When there is a weight difference of more than 7kg between the weight in the application and the weight checked before the competition.

Article-9 Standard Actions of Referees
Requests to Referees


  1. The most important thing for the referees is to respect the life of the competitors and give it the highest priority during the bout. In case of any accident during the bout, the 
    referee shall have the capacity to stay calm, and to see clearly the situation in order to take quick and appropriate actions.

2. The referees must not be biased in judging, and must have the capacity to make fair judgments.
3. The referees must give signs and actions clearly and promptly.


Article 10 Fighting Rules
Opening of Bout
1. Both competitors will be called to enter the competition mat by the tournament assistant.

2. The Main Referee shall stand in the center between both competitors, and give the commands Bow to front, Bow to Main Referee, Bow to each other, and then the bout will start with his commands Taking/grip their belts & fighting position and Start.


During the Bout

  1. The corner referees shall show FULL POINT, HALF POINT, FOUL and EXCLUSION by blowing the whistle and showing their judgment with flags. The Main Referee shall give the command stop and instruct both competitors to go back to their 2nd initial positions, and show the judgment result both verbally and physically.

2. The signals to be given by the corner referees both by whistles and flags and the judgments and actions to be given by the Main Referee are as follows:



    Corner Referee – Shall raise diagonally upwards the flag with the Green or White color corresponding to the competitor who got the FULL POINT and at the same time blow a single long and loud blast on the whistle.
    Main Referee – Shall stop the bout by the command STOP, and will give scoring point state the color of the raised flags and count them, including himself in the count, state the technique that resulted in FULL POINT, and raise upwards his arm of the winner’s side and declare FULL POINT.


Corner Referee – Shall raise horizontally the flag of the competitor who took the half point, giving a single loud and strong blast on the whistle.
Main Referee– Shall stop the bout by the command stop, state the color of the raised flags and count them, including himself in the count,(Scoring point) state the technique that resulted in half point, and raise horizontally his arm of the competitor’s side and declare half point.

If the competitor does not stand up within five seconds or does not regain their will to fight within five seconds;
Corner Referee – Shall change the flag position from half point to full point, and at the same time blow a single long and loud blast on the whistle.
Main Referee – Shall state full point if the majority of the referees, including himself (three or more) has made such a judgment. If less than three referees give full point, the judgment will remain half point.

Corner Referee – Shall wave diagonally downwards the flag with the color corresponding to the competitor who made a foul, and at the same time blow several short, loud blasts on the whistle.
Main Referee – In case of a foul being a foul, he shall stop the bout by giving the command stop , state the color of the waved flags, count the number of flags including himself, and then he shall state the action that resulted in foul , pointing with his forefinger at the competitor who got the foul and declare first foul. The same action shall be taken in case of second foul.
(In case of directly giving second foul or disqualification at one foul, the Main Referee must consult with the Corner Referees first.)

e) (Grappling and clinching each other at the same time)
Corner Referee – Shall wave both flags diagonally downwards, and at the same time blow several short, loud blasts on the whistle.
Main Referee – Shall stop the bout by giving the command STOP, separate both competitors, and in the same manner. Accepting the beginning 1st position.

f)  (out of bounds)
Corner Referee – Tapping the floor several times with the flag of the side of the competitor who got out of bounds , he shall blow several short, loud blasts on the whistle. Accepting the beginning 1st position,
Main Referee – He shall immediately give the command stop and call out of bounds,
and then bring back the competitors to the center of the fighting area, start the bout again with the command for re-match

g) (Unclear)
Corner Referee – Shall cross two flags, and blow a single short loud blast on the whistle.
Main Referee – Shall let the bout go on without any interruption. Accepting beginning 1st position.

h) (No count)
Corner Referee – Shall cross the two flags and wave them back and forth and blow a single long and loud blast on the whistle.
Main Referee – Depending on the situation, he may declare victory decision.

I (victory by decision)
Corner Referee – Shall raise diagonally upwards the flag with the color corresponding to the competitor who is considered to be the winner, and at the same time blow a single loud blast on the whistle.
Main Referee – Shall ask the corner referees for their decision by stating (take decision), (decision), declare the color of the flag of the winner, count the number of flags including himself, raise his arm diagonally upwards and declare the color of the flag of the winner.
(The numbers of flags for a draw and for the opponent shall also be counted, even though the number is not enough for a majority decision.)


  1. (equal/draw)
    Corner Referee – Shall cross the flags in front of his knees, and at the same time blow a single loud blast on the whistle.
    Main Referee – Shall count the number of flags indicating a draw and cross diagonally downwards his arms in front of himself, and declare HIKI-WAKE. (The number of raised flags shall also be counted, even though they are not enough for a majority decision.)

  2. If both fighters are equal in 2 (Two) Rounds, then central referee will give the command for fight only Malakhra Malh wrestling fight (Same as above in beginning 1st position).


k)  (Disqualified)
Corner Referee – Especially for seriously vicious fouls, the corner referee shall request the Main Referee for consultation.
Main Referee – Shall raise diagonally upwards his arm on the side of the competitor 
who has been disqualified, and then point with his finger in the direction outside the competition mat and declare disqualified.

3. In case the karate dress of the competitor comes into disorder during the bout, the Main Referee may stop the bout, bring back the competitors to their original positions, and adjust the karate dress of the competitor or have them adjust it on their own.


3. The Main Referee shall declare the winner, the central referee will take-up his/her hand for (show) winning position  and give the commands OSS (Bow) TO FRONT JUDGES, OSS (Bow) TO ME (Main Central Referee), OSS (Bow) TO EACH OTHER and instruct the competitors to leave the competition mat.


Time for Bouts
Early Rounds
Main Bout: 2 minutes
Extension:  2 minutes
Final Extension:  1 minute (As Beginning 1st postion Malakhra Malh wrestling).

In last weights, low weight will be winner



Early Rounds
Main Bout: 2 minutes
Extension:  2 minutes
Final Extension:  1 minute (As Beginning 1st Position only Malakhara Mah).

In last low weight will be winner.





Mouth Piece: Optional
Groin Protector: Must


Tights: Optional



Mouth Piece: Optional
Chest Protector: Must
Groin Protector: Must


※ Taping/bandage with tape, in principle, is allowed unless the Tournament


Shinshidokan-Kai Official dressing for Main Judges and corner judges

Main referee -       white shirt, green Tie Black paint

Corner judges      Black Coat white shirt, green Tie Black paint

Main judges                  Black Coat white shirt, green Tie Black paint


Competitors dressing

White karate dress with Shinshidokan-kai logos

White hand bandage ribbons

White foot, shin bandages ribbons

White fingers bandages ribbons



Affiliation System

No Multiple Policy System 
One Country , One Country President & Chief
Other will be as a Branch Chiefs
One man Can Remain in one system , style or One Organization.
This is Sports , This is not Business
We are all one
One Country Chief       (One will be Country President & Chief)
more will be Country Branch chiefs
Branch Chiefs ( Province wise) all will be under in One (President & Branch Chief)
Area Chief                   (Division wise) will remain in Provincial Chief 
All chiefs will remain in one Divisional  Chief
(No Bypass System)

(Powers of the Branch chiefs)
Country Chief
He is over all in country for Shinshidokan-Kai 
system, he can open Branches in over all his country, if any district or Area (Division is vacant)
He can take Black Belts test till under his own Dan (Degree)
He can Cancel any Branch, if same branch is not working properly & same branch chief is not obey the rules & Regulations then Country Chief will give him Notice , if the same branch chief will not reply him or same branch chief will not obey the rules then same branch chief will be split out from Division or District.
(Powers of the Branch chiefs)
He is over all in Province for Shinshidokan-Kai system, he can open Branches over all in his Province (where he live in Province) if any district is vacant,
He can take belt test till Brown Belt,
He can Cancel any District Branch, if same branch is not working properly & same branch chief is not obey the rules & Regulations then Province Chief will give him Notice , if the same branch chief will not reply him or same branch chief will not obey the rules then same branch chief will be split out District
(some changes will be in future

Belt Promotion System

1st  Dan to 2nd Dan             Senpai
3rd Dan to  4th Dan             Sensei
4th Dan to 5th Dan               Shihan
6th Dan  to 6th Dan              Renshi
7th Dan                                  Hanshi
some changing will be in Future.


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